Geek Wedding Photographer

Site Redesign!

Posted July 6, 2012 at 1:57 am

My logo and website are both designed by the very talented Kim Nguyen – kudos to her for getting it done! 😀

The reason I’m updating sans photo is to say that IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY VISITED THIS WEBSITE, you may have some trouble navigating – due to some technical errors in the early stages of my website design (all my fault, so sorry, Kim and everyone else!), you may find yourself getting errors or just clicking around in circles you can’t seem to escape.

To fix this (or rather, what worked for me!), you have to clear your web browser’s cache.  Instructions to do this in a variety of browsers are at the following link:

How To Clear Your Browser’s Cache

In my case, it took about 10-15 minutes and a computer restart after I cleared my cache for the changes to take and the website to start working properly.  If that doesn’t work, the site is still functional and you should be getting about a 97% experience instead of a 100%. 🙂

I’ll be posting a blog post before the end of tonight to make up!

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