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2012 Engagements
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Holly & Matt
When Holly and Matt first started planning their wedding, they knew they wanted to have it in a place easily accessible to everyone in their lives – Holly’s parents’ backyard! Holly’s mother worked tirelessly to help her daughter realize her vision of a sunny, casual and country backyard wedding with this as the result!
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Ayesha & Brian
I knew when Ayesha showed up to our first meeting toting a motorcycle helmet that her wedding was going to be a complete blast. Then she e-mailed me about her hamburger wedding cake. One part 20s glam, and one part rock party, the Falkirk Cultural Center provided an amazing backdrop to Ayesha and Brian’s wedding!
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Jeremy & Tina
Jeremy and Tina are very close to my heart – during our walkthrough before their wedding, Tina and I bonded over love of Sailor Moon! As artists themselves, their wedding had a great aesthetic, and their mindfulness of their heritages – British and Chinese – was evident everywhere, from Tina’s dresses and shoes, to their gorgeous ceremony at the Shakespeare Garden in Golden Gate Park.
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Cathy & Juan
When Cathy and Juan first approached me, local was everything to them – Palo Alto held a special place in their hearts. The result was a ceremony at St Thomas Aquinas, with an easy to walk to the reception at the Garden Court Hotel. My favorite detail of their day is definitely all about their shoes! As they knelt down for prayer mid-ceremony, their shoes revealed a message for the audience! Cathy’s shoes jokingly begged us, “Help Me” while Juan’s revealed, “Too Late.”