Geek Wedding Photographer

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Engagement Photography: Chris & Jessika

Posted August 27, 2012 at 12:37 pm in , , ,

Hello all! Long time no blog!  I apologize for my long absence – those “in the know” realize I’ve been having some health problems lately, and actually even had a minor visit for surgery this past weekend!  Freaking out about that has led to a massive back up in blog posts, to say the least, but I’ve checked out as 100% healthy now and it should be busy busy from here through the beginning of November! Chris and Jessika are the last of my engagement shoots from last May.  They decided to get their engagement photography done at many places, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art! Jessika saw photos on google and just knew she had to go there!

Even though I delivered their photos ages ago, I just didn’t have the chance to put together the blog post until now.  They are such a sweet couple – and you’ll see just how adorable in these photos.  From the start, they were making faces at each other and cracking up, and just so easy to capture photos of.  Jessika also reminded me a fair bit of one of my friends, Taylor, who I miss dearly, so it was lovely to work with people who already felt like home to me.  They had only just got engaged and were happily ignoring all the responsibilities of planning their wedding, so I really wish them both all the best with that craziness!  Don’t get too stressed, you guys!  Just let your love keep shining through and everything else will fit right into place!

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Engagement Photography

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Engagement Photography

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Engagement Photography

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Engagement Photography

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Engagement Photography

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Engagement Photography

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Engagement Photography

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Engagement Photography

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