Geek Wedding Photographer

This Week in Funny Bunny: What’s Up?! Edition

Posted August 30, 2016 at 8:00 am

Sooooo, in case you’ve been wondering where I’ve been and where your blog posts are, this year, James and I…

– bought a house (terrible google maps photo)!

– got married once, civilly! (photo by the lovely Juniper Spring Photography!)

– got married twice, surrounded by family and friends! (photo by the also lovely Stephanie Messick Photography!)

And now?

We’re baking a whole new human! :O Shocking, right? I had a rough first trimester, and I’ve been absolutely besieged by fatigue the whole pregnancy. As soon as my wedding season settles down over the next couple weeks, I’ll basically be on bed rest waiting for baby to make his or her appearance. 🙂 I’ll be returning to work in March 2017 (in time for all your awesome 2017 weddings!!!), but I’ll also be using the time to update the site a little bit as well, so keep your eyes peeled! I promise, as massively behind as I am on this blog, updates are coming! Especially, I want to dedicate a full post to each of my weddings because they were both SO special and I want to talk about hand-sewing a Zelda heart to toss / it being caught by LITERALLY the perfect person. Ahhhhhhhhhh!

3 Responses

  1. Megan G says:

    I was hoping this post would show up soon! 😄

    Congrats on all of it! So much joy and love!

    • Natalie says:

      haha, the guilt finally overcame the fatigue for updating! It’s been like, I’m sitting at my computer working and I’ll just rest my eyes for… a… moment…zzzzzzzzzz… 3 hours later: AGAIN???

      Thanks, Megan! <3

  2. Erika Jackson Kirkendall says:


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